“Welcome to the Summer Steering Team 2018 Output! The output it LIT so be sure to look through all of it because everything is important and relevant to the future of AIESEC US! #OneHeart #OneZZZ #OneAIESECUS #shook”
- Our Context: the output of the calls Steering Team had with the network of LCPs and the data context of AIESEC US
- IC Bringback: the main outputs of IC Egypt 2018 and our IR meetings
- Steering Team Identity: how the Identity was formed and why it's relevant to AIESEC US and the LCPs 2018-2019
- Why Organizational Health Matters: reading materials to give everyone context and a little preview of the OD model evolutions to come at SNC
- SNC EB Checklists: checklists for each of your LCVPs to complete before SNC and a smol checklist for LCPs tambien! Be sure to also fill out the Pre-SNC LCP survey
- Finance Standards: an introduction to the global finance standards, more sessions to come at SNC!
- Talent Management: do you really know TM? It's your job as LCP to ensure strong members, so read up!
- National Education Cycles: ever wonder how the NEC is made? Do you question its relevance to your LC? Read this output and get ready for the whole NEC launch party at SNC
- ECB Audits: are your audits at 100? Do you have inputs on how this process could change? Check this output to see more
- RoKS: how can we improve RoKS? What is the ST & MC 1819 proposing to make RoKS more sustainable? Answer all these questions with this output
- Hosting Model & Conference Cycle: how can we fix our problems with Co-Delivery and ensure all LCs have a good transition? How can we improve our physical touchpoints with the entire network to boost our capacity? Read this output to see the proposals for an improved conference cycle
- Finance model: we need to improve our finance model and how we view sustainability in AIESEC US, see this output and get ready to talk about it at SNC
- Shaping Generation 2019: you're barely halfway through your terms but successors are just on the horizon! How can we ensure that our next generation is able to achieve even more than we did? Check it out!
- Opening and Closing Products: how can we ensure that LCs can open products when they need to and close products if they're unsustainable? Check out our proposals here