Welcome to the For US Summit Output!

Here you will find some resources from the conversations and discussions that we had during our summit.

Sit down, grab a coffee, and go through the output! If you have any questions or concerns or would like to continue discussions on any of the topics, please approach anyone on the team!

For US Summit

Adam (MCD iGTa), Abby (MCD oGV), Susan (MCD FIN), Marina (MCVP F&L), Emma (MCVP OPS), Emerson (MCVP LCD), and Haley (MCP)

Our Agenda

It was a long but productive 3 days! These are the topics and challenges we addressed in order to find solutions to elevate the leaders and LCs of AIESEC United States.

All resources will be updated by early February & then the full HUB revamp will take place by SpringCo (March 18th)!

New member education minimums

LOCO Agenda Suggestions

LOCO Master Tool

The Master Tool is quite intense and has all resources you could ever need. Please make a copy and only use what is helpful for you… even if thats just 2 tabs!

So what else?

Many other productive discussions were had during this summit. The MC is continuing to take forward suggestions for the following topics after receiving valuable inputs and ideas from the network:

  • Network Management and coaching

  • Internal Communication and R&R

  • Ideas for improving the programs development

  • MXP Implementation

Keep an eye out for more information and next steps coming out for these topics in the near future!

We hope you enjoyed the output and found it useful! Please reach out to continue any discussions or ask questions!


us ❤️