Hello Marketing peeps! ⭐️

Welcome to the MKT National Education Cycle that will provide you with all the education you need to understand your role and learn how to do Marketing in your LC. Click through the topics you need more refreshers on. Don’t forget to take the quiz at the end of each phase so that you can obtain your certification!

Let the marketer hidden within you rise!

With love,



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Everything you need to understand your role in Marketing and how to get the most out of it.


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Do you need more guidance on how to give the best support to the operation functions in your LC?
Understanding the SOP’s will help you clarify your activities during each part of the funnel.


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oGX is your biggest synergy. Learn how to give the best support to each other in this detailed explanation of your activities during each part of the funnel.


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How to best attract your market? Learn more about buyer personas and how to use them in your local reality to increase your number of Sign Ups!


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The best results for your strategies come from combining digital and physical efforts. Learn how to get the most out of this in this short slide deck.


Ready to test your skills?

Take the Typeform certification to test your skills. Everything asked is information found in the slides above.

I know you’re ready to do the best marketing your LC needs!


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Data analysis for Marketing

In here you will learn how to analyze your data to make better decisions for your LC.


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Mastering the Bluebook

Learn to understand the Bluebook to its fullest so that you’re able to share the correct message with others when doing your attraction.


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Designing for digital attraction

Do you want to learn the easiest way to design and have helpful tips. Read inside for everything you need to know to deliver the best digital content.


Ready to test your knowledge?

Access the Marketing certification for Phase 2 by clicking on the image to your left!



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MKT investments

Investments? In marketing? Yes! Every money that is spent on things relating marketing efforts (tabling, flyers, social media) is considered an investment because you expect a contribution with APD’s.

Learn how to get the most out of this opportunity with a better improvement of your synergy with Finance.


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How to get the most out of ads

Did you know you can increase your market by investing on social media? Learn how to do it and what you should take into account to get the most out of this type of investment.


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Client fidelity

Learn the tips and techniques of nurturing our clients so that they are connected to our purpose as an organization and we’re able to maintain long-lasting relationships.


Ready to test your skills?

Click on the image to your left so you can access the quiz for a certification on this phase.